Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March Madness!!!!!

Halfway through the month and the consensus is that this is one for the books. Ryan passed the three-month mark with class. She's grabbing, rolling, and making random sounds (the kind of behavior people are only impressed by when it's a baby, otherwise, you have a severely disturbed individual on your hand).

Erin's back to work and digging being back amidst adults. As much as she misses Ry, she loves her job and our schedules have worked out perfectly. I see the girl through the night and Erin takes over for the day, and when we're both home we all relish in naptime!

I just celebrated another birthday, and the day after we flew to Salt Lake to see the Lowe's. Ryan traveled like a champ and the family didn't put her down all weekend. While doting grandparents, aunts and uncles took care of the little one, we (at least I) capitalized sleeping in and reading non-essential text!!! All in all it's been an awesome couple of weeks, and as I'm typing this BYU is celebrating a first-round comeback like you wouldn't believe!!

Hanging out with Uncle Donald after some world class risotto.

Is it Spring yet??

Family run!!!

Rocking the hoodie.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Developing Tastes

Erin and I have done it! Survivors of the generation that plagued public middle school classrooms with the horrifying sound of these awful contraptions have actually managed to keep a real human in a happy and healthy condition for two whole months. And one thing we've all learned in the process is that whether we've been around for two months to twenty-five years, we all keep developing personalities that defy conventional wisdom.

As for Ryan, she's acquired an overwhelming penchant for boisterous Broadway baritones (and someday she'll appreciate the alliteration that comes along with her musical preferences). As concerned parents on the constant prowl for any amount of silence, we've tried to figure out what soothes Ryan most when she gets her Huggies in twist. So, who has two thumbs and can calm Ryan down with his soothing croon? THIS GUY! Yep, whenever Ryan starts flexing the golden pipes of fury, all it takes is a rendition of "If I Were A Rich Man" and she's cool as muskmelon's cousin. At this point YouTube's version likely owes 1/3 of its views to us, not to mention the impromptu times when Erin or I have to belt it out as best we can. There's no explaining how this nuance has crept into Ryan's personality, but we'll take it, because who doesn't like Reb Tevye?

Erin recently dipped her proverbial toe into the pool of Zumba, and for some reason beyond me, the lady dug it like a Caterpillar. Maybe it's the Latin rhythms, or perhaps its the company of a good friend, and it might just be the 1 hour respite from an angry baby (and her Eastern European beau), but it looks like, at very least, she's found a new hobby. It's likely that I'll never join in on the Zumb-action (trademark) but I'm glad this crazy dance is something that the lady friend can enjoy.

And then there's this guy. If shaking one's money-maker to break a sweat is strange, signing up for this was certifiable. Robin B and I ended up running the quarter marathon portion of the race last night. It was cold, muddy, icy, and an amazingly good time. Even with a twisted ankle and tweaked knee, we both finished (time doesn't matter in these types of events, right?) and felt like Ryan Hall after Houston (only dirtier and possibly more awesome).

So there it is. Another month gone and some new weird interests and preferences. Who knows why we like certain things. Why does Fiddler on the Roof soothe a two-month old? Why would anyone want to exercise by dancing? And who would want to run in the cold dark woods? We all have our weird things, and for the most part, we have a hard time explaining them to other people, but they're ours, and that's a good thing.

So, here are some pictures from the last bit of our lives. Until next time, happy hunting (or whatever weird thing you're into)!

Two months old and apparently that rat-fink bunny rabbit is getting what's coming.

The Awesome Scale at the race was 1 to 635, so. . .I'm pretty pleased.

I'm pretty amped about my finisher's medal, looks like Ryan needs a few years to be impressed.

The Ladies! Dear Professors, Here is the reason I'm not reading as much as I probably should be.

And here's the reason our budget has been revised to include "Dresses and the Like."

Friday, December 30, 2011

One Month!

Hard to believe it's already been one month. It's been a whirlwind with family visiting and Ryan having her first Christmas. It's a good thing she hasn't bought into all the Santa hype, because she would have figured out the truth when she woke up at her standard 3 a.m. to find the house bereft of not only a jolly altruist intent on distributing gifts for good behavior, but of any well-rested adult with any more patience than is required to heat up a bottle, feed, burp, and promptly return to the cradle.

Sleep deprivation aside it's been a pretty great month. We were elated to have grandmas and grandpas of varying nomenclature be nearby to bask in the adorableness of Ryan, all the while taking turns holding and putting to sleep. So now it's on to month two. Ryan's considering dabbling in making noises and smiling, Erin's taking up the Ferber Method a.s.a.p., and Mitchell can't wait to crack the spine on a whole new set of satanically overpriced textbooks.

Until next time. . .The Rickeys

One Month Old!!!

RGIII has NOTHING on us!

The maiden voyage of the stroller. You can't see Ryan because it's butt cold outside and we want to be good parents.

Christmas Eve + Chinese-food coma = Successful holiday

Sporting some new bling from Aunt Eva!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ryan Olivia's Debut!!

She's finally here!! It's been a few weeks and we've pretty much been holed up in our house waiting out the winter and avoiding all things infected, but here are a few pictures of our favorite little girl.

Already looking like a thug!

Taking a nap with dad, glad finals are over!

The girls

She sleeps a lot, but she's cute so it evens out.
Stay tuned for more news and updates from the Rickeys.